That shouldn’t detach from the fact that buying flowers and asking a girl out doesn’t quite cut it anymore, for girls there is that ever elusive chase for a guy that will be creative when declaring his (sometimes over) admiration for you.
Even serenading her with a song you wrote on your guitar (something I’m sure Davide will do soon) is no sure bet that she won’t be put off. The ‘dating scene’ is heavily stacked in the female’s favour much to the dismay of us males.
It is perhaps because of these high standards that have been set in our generation that only those types that are creepy (and not in the Johnny
Depp kind of way) will approach the ladies with their fine pick up lines that mostly include some combination of the words ‘cute’ ‘number’ ‘coffee’ ‘no’ and ‘pressure’... I’m sure thanks to Anchorman, that list has been extended to include ‘I wanna be on you.’
I would hazard to guess that if the situation was reversed and it was the girl saying these things, the guy would want to have that moment framed to show all his guy friends what a champion he is by getting a girl’s number just by lazily sitting drinking coffee.
It is these high standards that have surreptitiously cast all the good intentioned guys only wishing to make that lasting connection with someone they deem worthy. Where before the creeps would be filtered out by these ‘good guys’, now they are the only ones that play the field.
Meeting a boy through friends in dangerous territory, you run the fine line between becoming friends which we all know is the bringer of death to any chances such a boy has in ever wanting something more in all but the rarest occasions.
So how can we negotiate these slippery slopes? Will flowers help now?
The answer to the latter is: yes, provided you are able to answer the former.
As someone who’s name conveniently eludes me once said to me, for men the key is confidence and not becoming too good friends so as to not blur the boundaries. Sound advice, but hard to implement.
I think what this person meant is that we should release our past burdens which anchor us to the shore when trying to set sail to another unknown destination. While we can draw from it, all too easily can we get bogged down in the one you never said anything to because you were too scared, you deemed yourself unworthy or they went overseas with no knowledge of your feelings.
All of these are immaterial and whatever the case may be, I believe that if we carried all our baggage with us, we would never make it to that unknown destination – we would just be stuck at port watching all the other ships take to the sea and disappear off into the horizon.
-the cynic-
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